Types of Higher Education Institutions 

1 : Hochschule : Higher Education Institution

Description:Covers academic institutions with the sub-categories: Universities (Universitäten), and Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen)

top Pre-Higher Education System

Age of 



Structure of School System 

Primary : Primary school

Length of program:5

Age level from:6

Age level to:11

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:5th grade Certificate

Lower Secondary : Gymnasium, Realschule, Oberschule

Length of program:4

Age level from:11

Age level to:15

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Leaving Certificate Realschule, Oberschule

Upper Secondary : Berufsmaturitätsschule

Length of program:2 part-time / 1 full-time

Age level from:19

Age level to:21

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Berufsmaturitätszeugnis

Upper Secondary : Gymnasium

Length of program:4

Age level from:11

Age level to:18

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Maturazeugnis

Description of School System 

Primary education lasts for five years. Lower secondary education is provided by three types of schools: Oberschule (4 years) , Realschule (4 years), and Gymnasium (3 years). A lower secondary school Certificate is issued to those who have successfully completed the four-year programme. Students in the Gymnasium have to attend an additional year in one of the other schools or in the upper level of the Gymnasium.
Upper secondary education is provided by the Freiwilliges 10. Schuljahr, the Gymnasium (4 years) and the Berufsmittelschule. After passing a final examination, students obtain a school-leaving certificate. The voluntary 10th school year seeks to provide young people with the best preparation for their vocational and personal future. In addition to the core subjects, 4 different option-groups are offered: 1. Languages 2. Information Technology and Design 3. School and Social Learning 4. Practical Orientated Learning. The Gymnasium offers 5 different option-groups: 1. Languages including Latin 2. Modern Languages including a third and fourth living language 3. Art, Music and Pedagogy 4. Business and Law 5. Maths and Natural Sciences. At the end of the Gymnasium Oberstufe, students take the Matura examination (final school leaving examination), which entitles them to enter universities in both Switzerland and Austria and the University of Tübingen in Germany without passing an examination. At the Berufsmittelschule, students further develop the knowledge and skills that they acquired during their vocational training. Based on their interests and vocational aims students can choose from the following 5 option-groups: 1. Design 2. Information and Communication Technologies 3. Engineering 4. Business 5. Health and Social Learning. The Berufsmaturitätsprüfung is conferred at the end of the Berufsmittelschule leading to the Berufsmaturitätszeugnis, which entitles students to study at all university-level institutions and universities in Liechtenstein and Austria as well as universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.

top Higher Education System


Since the law governing higher education came into effect in 1992, Liechtenstein has a limited tertiary-education sector. In addition, Liechtenstein has contractual arrangements with Switzerland, Austria and Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg/Germany) allowing students free entry to university in these countries.


Law on Higher Education (Hochschulgesetz), Liechtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt LGBL Nr. 2/2005) (2005)

Law on the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences, Liechtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt (LGBL) 3/2005 (2005)

Languages of Instruction 

German, English

Stages of Higher Education 

University level first stage : Bachelor

Description:The final examination organized at the end of the first cycle of university studies, which lasts for at least 6 semesters, leads to the following degrees: Bachelor of Science (Bsc) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) + branch of study.

University level second stage : Master

Description:The final examination organized at the end of second cycle university studies, which lasts for at least 4 semesters, leads to the following degrees: Master of Science (Msc) or Master of Arts (MA) + branch of study.

University level third stage : Doctor

Description:On successful completion of doctoral studies (6 semesters) at the International Academy of Philosophy (IAP), students are awarded the following academic title: Doktor der Philosophie (Dr. Phil.). On successful completion of doctoral studies (6 semesters) at the Private University of the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL), students are awarded the following academic title: Doctor of Scientific Medicine (Dr. scient. med.) and Doctor of Property Rights (Dr. jur.). Since 2008, the University of Liechtenstein offers doctoral programmes in Economics and Architecture leading to a doctoral degree (Dr.)

Education Exchange Programs 

Erasmus (Lifelong learning programme)

top Bodies

Governing bodies and other organizations / associations 

Ministerium für Inneres, Bildung und Umwelt

Street:Regierungsgebäude, Peter-Kaiser-Platz 1 Postfach 684



Tel:+423 236 6111


Contacts:- Dominique Hasler (Head), Job title : Minister
- Michael Hasler (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General


Role:Maintenance and development of the education system from kindergarten to higher education.

Street:Austrasse 79 Postfach 684



Tel:+423 236 6770

Fax:+423 236 6771


Bodies Responsible for Recognition 


Recognition for institution:no

Recognition for profession:no

Street:Austrasse 79 Postfach 684



Tel:+423 236 6770

Fax:+423 236 6771


Informationsstelle für Anerkennungsfragen - NARIC Liechtenstein

Street:Schulamt Austrasse 79, Postfach 684



Tel:+423 236 6758

Fax:+423 236 6771

Contacts:Daniel Miescher (Head), Job title : Head of Upper Secondary and Higher Education Division

Bodies Responsible for Financial Aid 




Street:Austrasse 79 Postfach 684



Tel:+423 236 6770

Fax:+423 236 6771


Bodies Responsible for International Cooperation 

Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten - AIBA

Street:Kirchstrasse 8



Tel:+423 236 7220

Fax:+423 236 7224


Secondary School Credentials Required for University Level Admission 


Minimum mark:4

Requirement for:All university-level institutions and universities in Liechtenstein and Austria, universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.


Minimum mark:4

Requirement for:All university-level institutions in Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland.

Foreign Students Admission 

Admission Requirements:A short-stay permit can be granted for the duration of one semester or one academic year to students wishing to attend a recognized educational institution in Liechtenstein when:
a) the educational institution confirms in writing that the student can take up or continue the studes concerned (confirmation of registration);
b) the financial means are sufficient;
c) proof of the required health insurance protection is provided;
d) the student has the linguistic competences for the course concerned. A prolongation is possible according to the length of studies.

Language Proficiency:Good knowledge of German (written, oral).

top Recognition of Studies

System of Recognition 

Education is supervised by the State. All higher education institutions need to be authorized by the government on the basis of institutional and programme accreditations. Accreditation is done by a recognized quality assurance agency. There is no national quality assurance agency in Liechtenstein, but instead strong cooperation with foreign quality assurance agencies, especially from the neighboring countries (Switzerland, Austria and Germany) and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). Liechtenstein is a full member of EQAR.

top Credentials



Description:In vocational schools the final examination is the Berufsmatura. Its holders are entitled to be admitted to all university-level institutions and universities in Liechtenstein and Austria as well as universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.


Description:The Matura Certificate is awarded by the "Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium" and is recognised for university entrance in Switzerland and Austria, as well as by the University of Tübingen in Germany.


Description:First terminal degree offered by the University of Liechtenstein after three years of study.


Credential required for entry:Maturazeugnis


Description:A Master is awarded at the end of the second cycle of university studies lasting at least 4 semesters.


Credential required for entry:Bachelor


Description:A PhD may be awarded to holders of the Master after additional study and presentation and defence of a doctoral thesis.


Credential required for entry:Master

top Data Provided by





IAU from the Schulamt / Office of Education, Liechtenstein, 2018. Bodies updated March 2021.

Updated on 21-09-2018