Types of Higher Education Institutions 

1 : Universität : University

2 : Kunsthochschule/Musikhochschule : College of Art/College of Music

3 : Fachhochschule : University of Applied Sciences

top Pre-Higher Education System

Age of 



Structure of School System 

Primary : Grundschule (4 years, 6 years in 2 Länder)

Length of program:4

Age level from:6

Age level to:10

Lower Secondary : Hauptschule (5 or 6 years in most Länder)

Length of program:5

Age level from:10

Age level to:15

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Hauptschulabschluss

Lower Secondary : Gesamtschule

Length of program:5

Age level from:10

Age level to:15

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Mittlerer Schulabschluss/Hauptschulabschluss, Ubergangsberechtigung in die Gymnasiale Oberstufe

Lower Secondary : Realschule (in most Länder)

Length of program:6

Age level from:10

Age level to:16

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Mittlerer Schulabschluss (Realschulabschluss)

Lower Secondary : Schularten mit mehreren Bildungsgängen (schools offering more than one type of course of education; 5 to 6 years)

Length of program:5

Age level from:10

Age level to:15

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Mittlerer Schulabschluss/Hauptschulabschluss, Ubergangsberechtigung in die Gymnasiale Oberstufe

General Secondary : Gymnasium (8 or 9 years)

Length of program:9

Age level from:10

Age level to:19

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Allgemeine Hochschulreife/Fachgebundene Hochschulreife

Integrated Secondary : Gesamtschule (4 to 6 years in most Länder)

Length of program:5

Age level from:10

Age level to:15

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Mittlerer Schulabschluss (Realschulabschluss)/Hauptschulabschluss/Übergangsberechtigung in die Gymnasiale Oberstufe

Higher Secondary : Berufliches Gymnasium/Fachgymnasium (in some Länder)

Length of program:3

Age level from:16

Age level to:19

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Higher Secondary : Gymnasiale Oberstufe (Since 1972) (2 or 3 years depending on the land and the type of school)

Length of program:3

Age level from:16

Age level to:19

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Vocational Secondary : Berufsschule (part-time)

Length of program:3

Age level from:15

Age level to:18

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Hauptschulabschluss, Mittlerer Schulabschluss, Vocational school-leaving certificate and professional certificate (Facharbeiterbrief/Kaufmannsgehilfenbrief/Gesellenbrief depending on professional sector)

Vocational Secondary : Fachoberschule (full-time)

Length of program:2

Age level from:16

Age level to:18

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Fachhochschulreife

Vocational Secondary : Berufsfachschule (full-time)

Length of program:2

Age level from:16

Age level to:18

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Fachhochschulreife and vocational leaving certificate

Vocational Secondary : Berufschule (in some Länder)

Length of program:2

Age level from:18

Age level to:20

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Fachgebundene Hochschulreife/Allgemeine Hochschulreife (with 2nd foreign language)

Vocational : Fachschule (1 to 3 years programmes of continuing education)

Length of program:2

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Professional title and possibility to obtain also the Fachhochschulreife after 2-3 year programmes

Description of School System 

Following the primary school stage at which all children attend mixed-ability classes (grades 1 to 4, in Berlin and Brandenburg, grades 1 to 6) the structure of the secondary school system (grades 5/7 to 12/13) in the Länder is characterised by division into the various educational paths with their respective leaving certificates and qualifications for which different school types are responsible, either as school types offering one course of education or as school types offering more than one course of education.

At school types offering one course of education all teaching is channelled to a specific qualification. These have traditionally been the Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. Schularten mit mehreren Bildungsgängen (schools offering more than one type of course of education) bring two or three courses of education under one umbrella. In most of the Länder they have meanwhile led to the abolition of the Hauptschule and Realschule. Types and names of schools offering several courses of education at lower secondary level differ according to Länder.

Secondary education is compulsory and tuition is free. Textbooks and other school material are either free or lent out. From grade 10, pupils may obtain grants if no other financial sources exist.

Apart from general secondary education schools, there are special schools for the physically or mentally handicapped within the system of general and vocational education, and full- or part-time vocational schools (grade 10/11 onwards). All types of vocational schools offer the opportunity to acquire general education certificates.

top Higher Education System


There are public and private state-recognized institutions of higher education categorized as: 1. universities (Universitäten) and equivalent higher education institutions (Technische Hochschulen/Technische Universitäten, Pädagogische Hochschulen); 2. colleges of art and music (Kunsthochschulen and Musikhochschulen); 3. Fachhochschulen (universities of applied sciences) and Verwaltungsfachhochschulen.


Hochschulrahmengesetz (Framework Act for Higher Education) (last amended 2002) (1976)

Description:Higher education institutions in general.

Higher Education Acts of the 16 Länder

Description:Higher education institutions of each Land, taking into account the rather general regulations of the Hochschulrahmengesetz

Languages of Instruction 


Stages of Higher Education 

Non-university level

Description:Non-university tertiary education is provided by the Fachschulen. These institutions offer continuing vocational training to enable those with prior vocational training and related work experience of at least one year to take on management functions. Courses last mostly two years. Successful completion of the courses leads to the award of a professional title in the student's specialization. Berufsakademien are established in 8 Länder. The Allgemeine Hochschulsreife, Fachgebundene Hochschulreife or Fachhochschulreife is required for admission, together with a training contract with a company. Students are registered to study by the company responsible for their training. The courses alternate periods of study with periods of on-the-job training. The first two years consist of basic studies followed by one year of advanced study. At the end of the course, students are awarded a qualification for entry to a profession, e.g. Diplom-Ingenieur in Engineering, Diplom-Betriebswirt in Business Management. The word Berufsakademie or the initials BA are added to this title to distinguish it from other forms of higher education diploma.

University level first stage : Bachelor's level

Description:Degrees at Bachelor's level qualify graduates to apply for Master's degrees. They are awarded in 3, 3 1/2, or 4 years' full time study or 180, 210 or 240 ECTS credits.

University level second stage : Master's level

Description:Degrees at Master's level are of several types: practice-oriented, research-oriented, artistic profile, and teaching career profile. They lasts between 1 and 2 years' study or 60, 90, or 120 ECTS credits. All degrees quality graduates to apply for a Doctorate.

University level third stage : Doctoral level

Description:Doctoral degrees generally build on a Master's level degree.

Training of HE Teachers 

There is no legal provision for special training for higher education teaching staff. Recruitment requirements for higher education staff usually are the title of Doktor and for professors the Habilitation or equivalent academic achievements. Academic ranks include professor, junior professor, scientific and creative arts staff, teaching staff for special tasks.

Distance Higher Education 

Distance learning courses are offered by the Fernuniversität Hagen, distance Fachhochschulen and a number of institutions. Distance learning associations have been set up at Fachhochschulen in a number of regions. In addition, an association of private, state-recognized institutions offer first degree and post-graduate courses at university level to employed persons (Hochschulen für Berufstätige) in several study locations. The courses offered by the "AKAD. Die Privat-Hochschulen" are mainly in the field of Business/Economics and Languages/Translating.

Education Exchange Programs 




top Bodies

Governing bodies and other organizations / associations 

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Street:Heinemannstrasse 2



Tel:+49(228) 9957-0


Contacts:- Anja Karliczek (Head), Job title : Minister
- Michael Meister (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Parliamentary State Secretary


Role:The Association of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions in Germany (HRK) and the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) established the Akkreditierungsrat for the purpose of providing accreditation services. The Akkreditierungsrat is responsible for the implementation of comparable quality standards for Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in an essentially decentralised accreditation process which will be carried out by accreditation agencies. The Akkreditierungsrat performs these responsibilities by accrediting, coordinating and monitoring these agencies. It also takes the final decision on the accreditation.

Street:Adenauerallee 73



Tel:+49(228) 338 306-0

Fax:+49(228) 338 306-79


Contacts:- Reinhold R. Grimm (Head), Job title : Chair
- Olaf Bartz (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Managing Director

Deutsche Hochschulverband - DHV

Street:Rheinallee 18



Tel:+49(228) 902-6666

Fax:+49(228) 902-6680


Contacts:- Bernhard Kempen (Head), Job title : President
- Michael Hartmer (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Director General

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD

Role:Funding organisation, supporting and promoting international exchange of students and scholars, as well as promoting German language, literature and cultural studies at foreign universities.

Street:Kennedyallee 50



Tel:+49(228) 882-0

Fax:+49(228) 882-444


Contacts:- Joybrato Mukherjee (Head), Job title : President
- Muriel Kim Helwig (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Vice-President

Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz - GWK

Role:Deals with questions of research funding, science and research policy strategies and the science system which jointly affect the Federal Government and the Länder with the aim of strengthening Germany’s position as a location for science and research in the international field.

Street:Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 38



Tel:+49(228) 5402-0

Fax:+49(228) 5402-150


Contacts:Anja Karliczek (Head), Job title : President; Federal Minister of Education and Research

Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - HRK

Role:To deal with questions relating to research, teaching and extension; to represent public and private state-recognized higher education institutions in Germany.

Street:Ahrstrasse 39



Tel:+49(228) 8870

Fax:+49(228) 887110


Contacts:- Peter-André Alt (Head), Job title : President
- Jens-Peter Gaul (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General

Kultusministerkonferenz - Berlin

Street:Taubenstraße 10 Postfach 11342



Tel:+49(30) 25418-499

Fax:+49(30) 25418-450

Contacts:- Helmut Holter (Head), Job title : President
- Udo Michallik (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General

 IAU Member Universität Bayern e.V

Role:Regional association of HE institutions

Street:Kaulbachstraße 31



Tel:+49(89) 2101 9940

Fax:+49(89) 2101 9941


Contacts:- Sabine Doering-Manteuffel (Head), Job title : President
- Alexander Fehr (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Chief Executive Officer

Bodies Responsible for Recognition 

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD

Recognition for institution:no

Recognition for profession:no

Street:Kennedyallee 50



Tel:+49(228) 882-0

Fax:+49(228) 882-444


Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen im Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -ENIC-NARIC

Services provided and types of students dealt with:Evaluation and recommendation of school leaving certificates for admission to higher education on demand of university admission offices; recommendation on intermediate examinations and higher education qualifications and degrees.

Recognition for institution:yes

Recognition for profession:yes

Street:PO Box 2240



Tel:+49(228) 501-664

Fax:+49(228) 501-229


Contacts:Simone El Bahi (Head), Job title : Head of Centre

Bodies Responsible for Student Services 

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD

Street:Kennedyallee 50



Tel:+49(228) 882-0

Fax:+49(228) 882-444


Student Associations 

Deutsches Studentenwerk - DSW

Street:Monbijouplatz 11



Tel:+49(30) 2977-2710

Fax:+49(30) 2977-2799


Contacts:- Rolf-Dieter Postlep (Head), Job title : President
- Achim Meyer auf der Heyde (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General

Bodies Responsible for Financial Aid 

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung - AvH

Role:To promote academic cooperation between top-level scientists and scholars from abroad and from Germany.



Street:Jean-Paul-Str. 12



Tel:+49(228) 833-0

Fax:+49(228) 833-199


Contacts:- Hans-Christian Pape (Head), Job title : President
- Enno Aufderheide (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD



Street:Kennedyallee 50



Tel:+49(228) 882-0

Fax:+49(228) 882-444


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - FES

Role:Provides scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students, both German and foreign, whose civic engagements embody the shared values of Social Democracy.



Street:Godesberger Allee 149



Tel:+49(228) 883-0

Fax:+49(228) 883-9207


Contacts:Kurt Beck (Head), Job title : Chair

Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.

Role:German sponsorship organisation for the academically gifted, promoting future excellence, funding, foundation, scholars



Street:Ahrstrasse 41



Tel:+49(228) 82096-0

Fax:+49(228) 82096-103


Contacts:Reinhard Zimmermann (Head), Job title : President

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG

Role:Funds knowledge-oriented research without stipulation of topics.



Street:Kennedyallee 40



Tel:+49(228) 885-1

Fax:+49(228) 885-2777


Contacts:Peter Strohschneider (Head), Job title : President

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - KAS



Street:Rathausallee 12

City:Sankt Augustin


Tel:+49(2241) 246-0

Fax:+49(2241) 246-2591


Contacts:Norbert Lammert (Head), Job title : Chair

Bodies Responsible for International Cooperation 

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD

Street:Kennedyallee 50



Tel:+49(228) 882-0

Fax:+49(228) 882-444


top Admission to Higher Education

Secondary School Credentials Required for Non-University Level Admission 

Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Requirement for:Berufsakademien

Fachgebundene Hochschulreife

Requirement for:Berufsakademien


Requirement for:Berufsakademien

Secondary School Credentials Required for University Level Admission 

Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Requirement for:All programmes.

Fachgebundene Hochschulreife

Requirement for:Subject-restricted programmes.


Requirement for:All types of programmes at Fachhochschulen.


Interview, test grades, aptitude test, temporary registration for a trial study period. Completion of evening courses by employed adults or day school courses for pupils with work experience at Kollegs who hold a Nichtschülerprüfung (school examination for external candidates) or a Begabtenprüfung (examination for gifted working applicants).

Numerus Clausus 

There is a numerus clausus in certain subjects: Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy (2018/2019). Such courses may differ from one semester to the next. Places for these courses are allocated according to three criteria (see www.hochschulstart.de): the applicant's degree of qualification for the chosen course of study (as a rule the applicant’s average mark in the Abitur, school-leaving examination constituting higher education entrance qualification – 20 per cent), the waiting period between acquiring the entrance qualification for the chosen course of study and applying (20 per cent) and the result of a selection proce-dure carried out by the institution of higher education itself (60 per cent). Just less than 50 per cent of courses outside the national selection procedure are subject to local selection procedures on criteria such as average mark in the higher education entrance examination, the waiting period and social criteria.

Foreign Students Admission 

Admission Requirements:Applicants who do not have German higher education entrance qualifications have to submit a secondary school certificate that qualifies them to attend higher education in their country of origin. If necessary, they also have to provide proof that they have passed an entrance examination at a university in their native country or proof of enrolment at the university. Applicants from some countries of origin must, moreover, provide proof that they have successfully completed some course modules at a higher education institution in the country of origin or, following attendance at a one-year core course, must take an assessment test at a Studienkolleg.

Language Proficiency:Foreign applicants for study places must prove that they have a sufficient command of the German language. In accordance with the regulatory framework on German language examinations for studying at German institutions of higher education (RO-DT) the institutions of higher education specify the language requirements that are necessary for the course on the basis of an average applicant for each study programme in each individual case, whereby the role of the German language for a successful course of studies takes priority. Proof of a sufficient command of the German language during enrolment in the chosen study programme can be provided by examinations such as the DSD II, the DSH, the TestDaF or by taking the German language examination as part of the Feststellungsprüfung (assessment test) at a Studienkolleg.

Entry Regulations:Residence permits are obtained at German diplomatic missions.

Application to Individual Institution:Yes

top Recognition of Studies

System of Recognition 

Courses leading to Bachelor's or Master's degrees are regulated by the Standing Conference's agreement on Structural Requirements. Depending on the Land law, these courses may be or have to be accredited by the national accreditation council (Akkreditierungsrat) founded in 1998. The objective of the accreditation is to guarantee minimum standards in terms of academic content and to check the vocational relevance of the degrees.

Multilateral Agreements 

Convention On the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Europe (1979)

Lisbon Convention (1997)

Other Info Sources 

For postgraduate studies and admission to doctoral studies: the higher education institution concerned.

Special Travel Concessions 

By Rail:Yes

Available to Foreign Students:Yes

Student Expenses and Aid 

Average Living Costs:918

National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Euro

Publications Listing Financial Aid 

Förderung nach dem Stipendienprogrammgesetz (Deutschlandstipendium) Fachserie 11 Reihe 4.6 - 2017

Publisher:Statistisches Bundesamt

Year of publication:2018

Bildungsfinanzbericht 2017

Publisher:Statistisches Bundesamt

Year of publication:2018

Ausbildungsförderung nach dem Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG) Fachserie 11 Reihe 7 - 2017

Publisher:Statistisches Bundesamt

Year of publication:2018

top Credentials


Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Description:General higher education entrance qualification.

Fachgebundene Hochschulreife

Description:Qualification entitling the holder to study a specific subject at the higher education level.


Description:Qualification entitling the holder to study at a Fachhochschule.

Bachelor's Degree

Description:Bachelor's degrees comprise B.A; B;SC; B. Eng.; B.F.A; B. Mus, LLB. They last between 3 to 4 years' study or 180, 210 or 240 ECTS credits. UN terminology: Bachelor's or equivalent.

Credential required for entry:Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Kunsthochschule/Musikhochschule (College of Art/College of Music)

Diplom (FH)

Description:First terminal qualification awarded by the Fachhochshulen. The degree course includes a large number of subjects. The essential aspect of the study courses is their focus on scientific theories and research on finding solutions to practical problems. UN terminology: Bachelor's or equivalent.

Credential required for entry:Fachhochschulreife

Type of institution where credential is offered:Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences)


Description:Final examination at a college of music or of a specialized musical subject after having passed an artistic diploma with outstanding results.

Künstlerische Abschlussprüfung

Description:Final arts examination concluding a course of study in a college of art or a college of music. UN terminology: Master's or equivalent.

Type of institution where credential is offered:Kunsthochschule/Musikhochschule (College of Art/College of Music)

Kirchliche Abschlussprüfung

Description:Ecclesiastical examination organised on completion of academic studies in Catholic or Protestant theology at Theological Universities. The examination is a prerequisite for admission to the clergy. UN terminology: Master's or equivalent.


Description:As a basic degree, the Lizentiatengrad can be obtained following a ten-semester degree course in an area of Catholic theology. UN terminology: Master's or equivalent


Description:Degree awarded by universities, predominantly in the arts and humanities.

Diplom (Univ)

Description:Diploma awarded by universities. UN terminology: Master's or equivalent..

Credential required for entry:Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)


Description:Master's courses were introduced in 1998. They last between 1 and 2 years or 60, 90, or 120 ECTS credits. UN terminology: Master's or equivalent.

Credential required for entry:Bachelor's Degree

Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Kunsthochschule/Musikhochschule (College of Art/College of Music)


Description:Period of doctoral studies consisting of 300 ECTS credits or more.


Description:Higher qualification awarded to university professors.

Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)

top Data Provided by





Eurydice Unit Germany (Länder), 2018.

Updated on 25-01-2019