The European Education Directory

Faculty of Technology and Environment
Liverpool John Moores University


Address James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF
Tel. No. +44 (0) 151 231 2777
Fax No. +44 (0) 151 231 2879
Course MSc in Advanced Computer Studies
MSc in Computer Network Security
MSc in Computing and Information Systems
MSc in Wireless and Mobile Computing


Liverpool John Moores University

• Founded in 1825, LJMU is now the 15th largest university in the UK with over 24,000 students in Liverpool and internationally plus 2,500 staff.

• LJMU has annual turnover of more than £110m per year and injects more than £250m into the economy of Liverpool each year.

Teaching and learning

LJMU has led the way in developing some of the UK’s most innovative vocational degrees. For example, we pioneered the development of computer games degrees and were also the first university in the country to give journalism students the chance to use industry-standard electronic news production systems.

Research and development

• LJMU is one of the most successful new universities for research and enterprise and LJMU is expected to double its research income to £15m pa over the next five years

• LJMU has reached an international standard for research in general engineering with increasing prominence in electrical/electronic, aeronautical, mechanical and manufacturing engineering

• LJMU is also the UK’s lead university for HEFCE-funding in emerging research disciplines: art and design, nursing, social work, and communication, media and cultural studies

• External research funding, from sources such as our industrial partners, the Welcome Foundation and research councils, including the BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC, PPARC and NERC, has increased by 86 per cent since 2000-01.


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