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How to Build an IoT Dashboard

Countless devices connect to shape your business workflow and daily experiences the Internet of Things (IoT). But dealing with the massive data they generate can be a challenge. So, you need to understand how to handle and monitor the abundance of information these billions of connected devices produce. This is how you make the most of the data they generate. In this guide, we'll break down the process for you, guiding you through creating an effective IoT monitoring dashboard. You’ll learn how to manage the data influx and unleash the full abilities of the Internet of Things.

Why IOT dashboards matter

An IoT dashboard serves as a central hub that transforms, organizes, and presents data collected from various network-connected devices. Its primary role is to offer real-time and historical insights into IoT data, facilitating easy monitoring and decision-making.

Regardless of the specific application of IoT in your scenario, the critical need to control, structure, and process data is at the core of any efficient system. The data collected from IoT-enabled devices could be dumped into a spreadsheet, but the result is often an overwhelming and incomprehensible sea of information. Enter the IoT dashboard – a single command center or web-based interface that performs the vital task of processing and organizing the data to meet diverse business needs.

Here's why IoT dashboards matter:

Centralized Data Management:

An IoT dashboard allows you to organize, display, and manage the data transmitted by all the devices in your ecosystem. It acts as a control panel, giving you a comprehensive view of the data.

Remote Monitoring:

With a dashboard in place, you gain the ability to monitor IoT processes remotely. This capability is invaluable, providing flexibility and convenience in keeping an eye on your system from anywhere. (read more about this here:

Cost Savings through Predictive Maintenance:

One of the practical advantages is the potential to lower maintenance costs by preempting product failures and minimizing downtime. With insights gained from the dashboard, you can address issues before they escalate.

Real-time Decision-Making:

Users and operators can review and analyze incoming information immediately, updating it as soon as new data arrives. This real-time aspect enhances the responsiveness of your system.

Data Summarization for Clarity:

An IoT dashboard provides summarization, simplifying complex data sets. This simplification makes it easier for users to understand and act upon the information presented, fostering efficient decision-making.

Understanding why IoT dashboards matter is just the beginning. Let's talk about how to build a dashboard and explore the steps to construct the most effective option tailored to your specific needs.

Steps to build an IoT Dashboard

Before constructing your IoT dashboard, you should address a few fundamental questions that lay the groundwork for a successful dashboard implementation.

What to Know Before Building an IoT Dashboard
  • Components and Data Processing
    Determine the components that should be presented on the dashboard and where your data will be received and processed. Understanding the intricacies of data flow is essential for the effectiveness of your IoT dashboard.

  • Protocols and Dashboards
    Consider the protocols you'll use and decide whether you'll build custom dashboards or opt for ready-made solutions. This decision impacts the efficiency and adaptability of your IoT dashboard.

  • Gateways
    Define the gateways you will utilize in the data transmission process. The choice of gateways plays a vital role in ensuring seamless communication between devices and the central data system.
Now, let's move on to the concrete steps involved in building your IoT dashboard.
  1. Define KPIs and Metrics
    Before beginning with the technicalities, clearly define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Establishing goals is paramount. Envision the context in which your team will access the dashboard, ensuring that it aligns with their needs.

  2. Choose Data Sources
    Carefully select data sources, both internal and external, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data accumulated. Data serves as the backbone of any robust KPI dashboard, influencing the success or failure of your business.

  3. Device Selection
    Pick the device that will be connected to the dashboard. This can be any tool capable of collecting relevant information, aligning with your specific requirements.

  4. Connection Type
    Decide on the connection type, whether it's device-to-device, device-to-gateway, gateway-to-data system, or a combination. The efficiency of data transmission hinges on this choice.

  5. Visualization System
    Opt for a visualization system that suits your needs. While numerous data pieces can be distilled into graphs, charts, and infographics, creating a top-notch IoT visualization system demands substantial resources, labor, and expertise.

  6. Mobile Optimization
    Implement mobile optimization practices to ensure your dashboard is accessible and functional on mobile devices. Given the compact screens of mobile phones, adapting your dashboard to this space is crucial for user convenience.

  7. Onboarding Process
    Streamline the onboarding process to facilitate easy sharing of dashboards with your team. The ability to view, rearrange, and edit data in real-time enhances collaboration and decision-making.
After constructing your IoT dashboard, additional steps include connecting it to the device, setting up your brand logo, customizing the front end, and enhancing responsiveness. This final phase ensures that your IoT dashboard is not just a static tool but an evolving, dynamic asset that serves your evolving needs and addresses the critical question of "how do you visualize data in IoT?" — making your data work for you in the most efficient and meaningful way possible.


An IoT dashboard is more than a visual representation but also a tool for efficient decision-making, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance. From streamlining processes to minimizing downtime and enhancing data accessibility, a well-designed IoT dashboard is your gateway to success. If you're ready to take the next step in optimizing your IoT projects, consider exploring our IT dashboard monitoring platform. We offer comprehensive solutions for the rapid development, management, and scaling of IoT projects. Embrace the power of IoT dashboards, backed by Thingsboard and propel your projects forward with confidence.