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How to Get Help with the Language Barrier for your Unit Assignments

It can be hard to put into context just how challenging it can be for students choosing to study overseas to deal with the problem of language barriers. Making the transition to study in a place that is different culturally and then having to take on a higher level of study can make even the strongest student begin to suffer from stress and anxiety. Rather than students simply surviving through their experience at university, it is important that they are able to thrive too, and truly make the most of the opportunities that studying abroad offers them. With that being said, here are just some of the ways in which you can get support and help when it comes to crossing the language barrier bridge for yourself or those around you (if you are a teacher)…

Use a range of learning techniques

Something that has been known to work in relation to reducing the demand of language and reading skills of those who have not yet gained a firm grasp on a language is the use of different learning techniques. Here are some of the ways in which this can be achieved:
  • Use clear fonts and font sizes that are easy to read
  • Format learning tools to reduce reading
  • Use visuals and link them to the language in order to express ideas through alternative means
  • Use student dictionary terms

Look at the quantity of work

It is important that those who have trouble understanding the particular language that they are being set work in are able to find ways to complete their work in such a way that will benefit their learning. Wherever possible, it is helpful to ensure that the amount of ‘copying’ or noting down from a whiteboard or piece of paper etc. is kept to a minimum. Too much writing can result in students not really taking in what they are being taught and not even reading what they are writing down. Similarly, it may be beneficial for these students to reduce the amount of writing that they are doing and then answer questions aloud.

Try metacognitive strategies

Another method that can be used to help students who are struggling with overcoming a language barrier is to use visual tools in order to improve their level of understanding. Alongside this you can also break down essays into smaller components so that each section can be structured to improve their understanding of it. It is important to note how important non-visual cues are when working towards improving the learning potential of any student, let alone those who are seeking help with a language barrier.

Seek professional help

Should you find yourself or someone else struggling with completing their work on time or finding the right ways to approach an essay, then it is also an entirely viable solution to seek professional essay writing help. Regardless of whether you are struggling with essays, unit assignments, dissertations or anything else relating to completing written work, The Uni Tutor will be able to help. With their professional approach to tackling your most tricky written assignments, you could soon see yourself getting ahead on the course that you love!

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